The Witch’s Crawl Vol. 2

The Witch’s Crawl Vol. 2

The Witch’s Crawl Vol. 2 is now available at Amazon.  I hope that you enjoyed Vol. 1 and that you are looking forward to Vol. 2.  I always love a good scare! Vol. 3 will be released in October.  Thanks for reading.

The Witch’s Crawl Vol. 1–Just Released

The Witch’s Crawl Vol. 1–Just Released

Finally!  My first ever ebook has been released into the ether at Amazon.  I am so excited and hope that all those who enjoy horror will enjoy The Witch’s Crawl books.  Below is the production schedule for the serial.  I am writing Vol. 3 now and should be finished up soon.

The Witch’s Crawl Vo. 1: Available Now 
The Witch’s Crawl Vol. 2: Available September 2014 
The Witch’s Crawl Vol. 3: Available October 201


Thanks for reading!