Latest News

Writer of Romance, Horror, and Suspense

The Witch’s Crawl Vol. 2

The Witch’s Crawl Vol. 2 is now available at Amazon.  I hope that you enjoyed Vol. 1 and that you are looking forward to Vol. 2.  I always love a good scare! Vol. 3 will be released in October.  Thanks for... read more

The Witch’s Crawl Vol. 1–Just Released

Finally!  My first ever ebook has been released into the ether at Amazon.  I am so excited and hope that all those who enjoy horror will enjoy The Witch’s Crawl books.  Below is the production schedule for the serial.  I am writing Vol. 3 now and should be... read more

Hello Readers!

I am happy to say that my website is finally up and running!  I have horror and romance books that I am working on completing as soon as possible.  The first release will be my horror series, The Witch’s Crawl, Vol. 1 and I cannot wait for it to come out in July... read more

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